The Delusion of Advanced Plastic Recycling Using Pyrolysis is published by ProPublica.
-• ProPublicaThe Delusion of Advanced Plastic Recycling
- @jamesbritt@mastodon.socialThe Delusion of Advanced Plastic Recycling Using Pyrolysis "The plastics industry has heralded a type of chemical recycling it claims could replace new shopping bags and candy wrappers with old ones — but not much is being recycled at all, and this method won’t curb the crisis."
- Jun“The Delusion of Advanced Plastic Recycling Using Pyrolysis — Under all the math and engineering, I found an inconvenient truth: Not much is being recycled at all, nor is pyrolysis capable of curbing the plastic crisis. Not now. Maybe not ever.”
- @holyfredmango@flipboard.comThe Delusion of “Advanced” Plastic Recycling Posted into Social Aesthetics @social-aesthetics-holyfredmango
- Jun 20did:plc:s4xmseub4a4pwwetg2xxmcyyThe Delusion of Advanced Plastic Recycling Discussion