How will Louisiana's Ten Commandments classroom requirement be funded and enforced?
- @vjack@mastodon.socialThe state of Louisiana passed a law requiring public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom. #secularism#ChurchAndState#ChristianNationalism#atheism#louisiana
-‘I Can’t Wait to Be Sued’: Louisiana Ten Commandments Law Not Just About Schools Posted into Trending Articles @trending-articles-MotherhoodLife
- @latimes@press.coopHow will Louisiana's new Ten Commandments classroom requirement be funded and enforced? As a legal battle ensues over the new Louisiana law requirement, details of exactly how the mandate will be implemented and enforced remain unclear. #press
- Jul 1did:plc:dbdk7mgiyux6ow6ysbbwucy4so if Louisiana has made it a law that the 10 commandments need to be displayed in schools the best way to hold that up is to start fighting about which translation and which 10 right because there's way more variation than the uninitiated might expect
- @mercnews@press.coopHow will Louisiana’s new Ten Commandments classroom requirement be funded and enforced? Even as a legal challenge is already underway over a new Louisiana law requiring the Ten Commandments to be displayed in classrooms, the details of how the mandate will be implemented and enforced remain murky. #press