Public Figures

Kevin Bacon wore a disguise to spend the day like a normal person.

    Hey all. Guess what? "Kevin Bacon wore a disguise to spend the day like a normal person and discovered it ‘sucked.’" 😂
    Kevin Bacon wore a disguise to spend the day like a normal person and discovered it ‘sucked’ Posted into Top Stories in Celeb @top-stories-in-celeb-thenewsdesk
    Kevin Bacon wore a disguise to spend the day like a normal person and discovered it ‘sucked’ #Entertainment#UnitedStates
    Kevin Bacon wore a disguise to spend the day like a normal person and discovered it ‘sucked’
  • Jul 5
    Kevin Bacon wore a disguise to spend the day like a normal person and discovered it ‘sucked’ Kevin Bacon wore a disguise to spend the day like a normal person and …