The WIP's first chapter or section is indicative of the whole work in terms of voice and writing style.
- Is your first chapter indicative of the rest of the WIP? In terms of POV, emotional tone, and narrative voice, absolutely. But a first chapter is an invitation — not a meeting agenda. So there’s a short set-up, just a bit of backstory, and hints of things to come. The reader meets the MC and her daughter, and learns where and when they are in their lives. And, if I do my job, it's all engaging and interesting enough for the reader to keep going.
- July 7 - Is your WIP’s first chapter indicative of the whole work? It's from a one-off viewpoint character but it kick-starts the main action and establishes the tone. Also hints at the major conflict to come. So, yes.
- 9 Jul Is your WIP's first chapter indicative of the whole work? In tone and voice, sure. There might be some surprises in content and direction of course, otherwise why write more than the first chapter?
- JUL-9 Is your WIP's first chapter indicative of the whole work? Mostly, there's not that much difference, but in #SubconsciousMind, the first chapter is nothing like the rest of the story, very abstract, keeping, what's happening shrouded in mystery. #amWriting#ZuriStories
- 9. Chapter 1: Is your WIP's first chapter or section indicative of the whole work? Honestly, I'm not certain that it is because while I do remain somewhat consistent throughout the next chapters. The story itself is gradually improving in quality as I get more comfortable and set in my style and voice. Characters remain consistent in their depictions, they tend to experience natural changes; gradually the mystery and conflict of the world unfurls after several misdirections.