
A SpaceX rocket accident put the company's Starlink satellites in wrong orbit.

    SpaceX rocket accident leaves company's Starlink satellites in wrong orbit Posted into Technology (UK Edition) @technology-uk-edition-FlipboardUK
    SpaceX rocket accident leaves company’s Starlink satellites in wrong orbit SpaceX said the satellites will reenter the atmosphere and burn up. There was no mention of when they might come down. More than 6,000 orbiting Starlinks currently provide internet service to customers in some of the most remote corners of the world.The Federal Aviation Administration said the problem must be fixed before Falcon rockets can fly again. It was not known if or how the accident…
  • Phys.Org
    Marcia Dunn
    SpaceX rocket accident leaves company's Starlink satellites in wrong orbit
    SpaceX rocket accident leaves company's Starlink satellites in wrong orbit
    SpaceX rocket accident leaves the company's Starlink satellites in the wrong orbit