
There are 28 US AI startups that have raised $100M or more in 2024.

    Here’s the full list of 28 US AI startups that have raised $100M or more in 2024 #ai#genai#startups#funding
    Here’s the full list of 28 US AI startups that have raised $100M or more in 2024 For some, AI fatigue is real — but clearly venture investors haven’t grown tired of the category. In the first half of 2024 alone, more than $35.5 billion was invested into AI startups globally, recent Crunchbase data found. Five of the six venture rounds of more than $1 billion raised in the first half of 2024 were raised by AI companies.
    Here’s the full list of 28 US AI startups that have raised $100M or more in 2024 Posted into Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning @artificial-intelligence-machine-learning-MattMagnuson
  • Jul 13
    The full list of 28 US AI startups that have raised $100M or more in 2024 Discussion
    »Here’s the full list of 28 US AI startups that have raised $100M or more in 2024«