I am not a member of MAGA.

  • Jul 14
    Yeah, nope, just will take this opportunity to state clearly that I am not MAGA today or any day, and I'm pretty sure that is also true for just about everyone I know. I try not to speak for anyone but myself, but I feel safe making this exception.
  • Jul 14
    I absolutely was never, still am not, and will never be MAGA! The Spectator can go fuck itself!
  • Jul 14
    He's clearly MAGA... so what the hell was his motive?
  • Jul 14
    No, we absolutely are not all MAGA. I am most definitively not MAGA. What the hell is wrong with these people?
  • Jul 14
    Seconded. Am not, never will be MAGA. The label is anathema to everything I believe in. Just like I’d never be KKK, TERF, or Nazi. Thanks!