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The 100 Best Books of the 21st Century are published by The New York Times.

    The NYT “best books of the 21st century” list is every bit as good, and as bad, as you’d expect it to be. Genius move to make it interactive, though, so you can tot up your score (and assemble a list of books to check out):
    Discussing the New York Times' Best Books of the 21st Century #bestbooks#TBRlists
    Oh cool, a list I hate even more than the NYT 100 best books of the 21st Century list. I agree with maybe 20 of these. Another 5 or so I look forward to reading. Where’s Sheri Tepper, you cowards?!? James Tiptree Jr? Vonda McIntyre? Lois Bujold? Élisabeth Vonarburg? #SFF#SFBooks
  • Jul 14
    currently occupying my time and emotional energy by going through the new york times top 100 books of the 21st century and curating my goodreads list
    Re last retoot of NY times 100 best books of the 21st century: I have read 23 of the books. DNF 3 of them and probably about 5 authors I’ve read other works not here. Also I think a lot of the #books on the list are overrated but same are faves! These sort of lists are always weird but I like them