
Some Kenyans combat logging with hidden beehives.

  • @byteseu@pubeurope.com
    To protect mangroves, some Kenyans combat logging with hidden beehives
  • @bocvip@vive.im
    To protect mangroves, some Kenyans combat logging with hidden beehives
  • @PressNewsAgency@mastodon.social
    To protect mangroves, some Kenyans combat logging with hidden beehives Peter Nyongesa walks through the mangroves to monitor his beehives in the Bangladesh slums in Mombasa, Kenya, on May 30, 2024. The 69-year-old Nyongesa recalled how he would plead unsuccessfully with loggers to spare the mangroves or cut only the mature ones while leaving the younger ones intact. So he has turned to deterring the loggers with bees, hidden in the mangroves and ready to sting.
  • @verdantsquare@gratefuldread.masto.host
    To protect mangroves, some Kenyans combat logging with hidden beehives
  • @gratefuldread@gratefuldread.masto.host
    To protect mangroves, some Kenyans combat logging with hidden beehives