Astronauts Take Shelter After Russian Spacecraft Breaks Up In Orbit.

- @ScienceScholar@mastodon.socialISS Astronauts Forced to Briefly Take Shelter as Russian Satellite Suddenly Breaks Up in Orbit
- @genecowan@mastodon.socialISS Astronauts Forced to Briefly Take Shelter as Russian Satellite Suddenly Breaks Up in Orbit | Smithsonian
- @euronews@flipboard.comDefunct Russian satellite breaks apart forcing ISS astronauts to react Posted into Europe @europe-euronews
Jun 28
did:plc:grjij2o67nrkffujfl472wyg“A defunct Russian satellite broke up into nearly 200 pieces of debris forcing astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) to take shelter for about an hour.”- @PressNewsAgency@mastodon.socialISS astronauts take cover as defunct Russian satellite shatters RESURS-P1 satellite splits into nearly 200 pieces, adding to the dangerous mass of debris already in orbit. A defunct Russian satellite broke up into nearly 200 pieces of debris forcing astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) to take shelter for about an hour. NASA, the United States space agency, had been informed that the RESURS-P1 Russian Earth observation satellite had split on Wednesday,…