
Using Windows is unsafe, so I'm going to switch to using Linux.

    Crap, pointless, stupid level artificial system requirements. I'm staying with Windows 10 and Linux. The latter I use more. #Windows11
  • MakeUseOf
    David Delony
    5 Ways Using Linux Improved My Windows Experience
    Using Linux is like: man, windows is so unsafe with all the AI spyware and shit. I'm gonna switch to a janky OS that in order to do any basic functions I have to follow instructions from forum randos and run "sudo get abc..." to fix every damn thing. All FBI/NSA has to do is seed a bunch of fake forum posts for "how to get Libreoffice to Save As to an external drive" and ppl will just punch in their admin password to run totally unknown code at the superuser level. Horrifically unsafe.
    I’m going back to Linux
  • Jun 20
    This is why I’ve finally moved to Linux.