
"Climate Denial" is a lost cause.

  • @GeraldKutney@noc.social
    ICYMI: Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Do you get it NOW? 🌏🔥 ClimateBrawl 🔥🌏
  • Jul 4
    ICYMI: Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Climate DENIAL is a lost cause Do you get it NOW? 🌏🔥 ClimateBrawl 🔥🌏
  • Jun 26
    Anyone still in denial about anthropogenic climate disruption?
  • @keithgottschalk@www.threads.net
    From Robert Hunziker in Counterpunch: Based upon Pakistan’s severe climate experience, here is what Rafay Alam concludes, a widely shared viewpoint throughout the Global South: “There is a significant denialism on climate change in places like the United States. And it angers me because I see people affected. I see animals affected. And this is a lived experience for the global majority, the Global South.
  • @currentbias@open-source-eschaton.net
    "There is a significant denialism on climate change in places like the United States. And it angers me because I see people affected. I see animals affected. And this is a lived experience for the global majority, the Global South. It’s extremely infuriating to see people who’ve participated in this global warming deny it, deny any accountability, try and move on as if nothing’s happened and try and continue to make money and drive that bottom line."