The Internet Archive has restored the MTV News archives with a searchable database.

- LifehackerDays after Paramount, MTV’s parent company, pulled the plug on over 20 year’s worth of MTV News content, The Internet Archive added a searchable database of 460,575 web pages from to its Wayback Machine.
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Jul 5
did:plc:pp5xh7mydvmt2iccw4fzy6znInternet Archive has restored the MTV News archives with a searchable database. (July 3, 2024) @brainwise@mas.toInternet Archive has restored the MTV News archives with a searchable database. (July 3, 2024)
- @tomorohhidari@mas.totbf I wasn't very aware of the recent fate, existence and demise of MTV News, but to hear that the whole archive just disappeared overnight...