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The Earth’s core has slowed down.

- @AntiracistHippie@blacksun.socialEarth’s inner core has slowed so much it’s moving backward, scientists confirm. Here’s what it could mean - CNN
- @Lonewolfkg@flipboard.comScientists say they’ve confirmed a slowdown in Earth’s inner core rotation. Now what? Posted into Science, Sci-Fi And Cyberpunk @science-sci-fi-and-cyberpunk-Lonewolfkg
- @_neutronfish@www.threads.netOkay, so the Earth’s core is not actually slamming in reverse like it’s backing out of a Costco lot. Its rotation just slowed so much that compared to the internal spin of the planet’s other layers, it looks as if it has. We’re not sure what it means or why this is happening exactly, but the slowdown is very small, relatively speaking, and shouldn’t have any effects we’d actually feel on the surface.
Jul 7
whoa-magic.lolScientists Confirm Earth's Core Has Slowed Dramatically, Now Moving In Reverse Researchers said that the slowing down could change the length of one day on the Earth by fractions of a second.- NDTV NewsScientists Confirm Earth's Core Has Slowed Dramatically, Now Moving In Reverse - NDTV